Age Group Tryouts

Travel Team Tryouts

Tryouts for the 2025-2026 MYS Travel Team season are now open! 

IMPORTANT CONTACT INFO: During the tryout registration process please make sure that the email address listed for the PRIMARY PARENT is current and active. This is the email address that will be used to communicate any schedule changes, information, and offers.

  • All players interested in attending open tryouts for ALL team levels ages U9-U19, including current MYS travel team players, must complete this registration process.
  • There is NO FEE to register for tryouts.
  • Players should review the information below in the Tryout Information section below, for more details about what to bring, what to wear, what to expect, etc!
  • If you have any questions about the registration process, please email

Travel Tryout Contacts

ContactAge GroupEmail
Alex PintoAge Group Manager U9-U12
Michael NewhallAge Group Manager U9-U12
Farzad MahmoudpourAge Group Manager U13-U19
Omid NamaziBoys Technical

Travel Tryout Information 2025-2026 Season

2025-2026 Age Group/Birth Year Chart


Coaching Staff
The McLean Youth Soccer professional technical staff is led by Technical Director John Harkes. All MYS Travel Teams are coached by professional coaches with extensive experience and are employed by the club. The list of coaching assignments for 2025-2026 will be posted before the start of tryouts.

Practice Times / Locations
Travel team practices are typically held on weekday afternoon and evenings on fields located in the McLean area.

Travel team players commit to their team for the entire 2025-2026 seasonal year. Travel teams typically practice 2-3 times a week, and play games on weekends throughout the fall and spring season. In addition, teams may have off-season activities as well. Commitment is typically higher for the more competitive teams and there may be additional required sessions in the winter and summer.

Player Evaluation

During the tryout process players are evaluated based on all pertinent areas of the game for both current performance and predicted future performance. During the process, evaluations from multiple staff coaches will be taken into account in order to select the team.

Team Formation

Teams are formed based on the results of the open Age Group Tryouts. MYS typically offers 3 teams per age group. However, this number may vary from year-to-year based on the results of the tryout process. Teams are labeled and tiered as such: Green, White, Gold, and Silver.

Player Fees

  • There is no fee to tryout.

Participation in the travel program consists of two fees:

  • Club Fees vary by age group and team level. These fee address technical staff compensation, league registration, field fees, insurance, administration, and other club-related fees.
  • Team Fees address team tournament costs, travel costs and other individual team-related fees. These fees varies by team.
  • McLean Youth Soccer is committed to providing Financial Assistance to help players who would otherwise be unable to participate in the MYS program. We encourage families to apply as soon as possible and no later than three weeks prior to the start of the season. Questions should be directed to

Tryout Attendance

  • It is in the player's best interest to attend all tryout sessions in their age group.
  • MYS conducts open tryouts. Returning players are required to tryout in the same manner as players new to the club.
  • Only players and active technical staff are permitted on the playing surface during the tryout session. Parents should remain off the fields. For example, at the Lewinsville Park fields, parents should remain outside the fenced area. At the Police field, parents should remain at the top of the ramp. At Spring Hill Rec # 2, parents should remain on the paved path.

Playing Up

Players who are already playing up can attend the tryout that matches their current team's age group/birth year and will need to email for access to register. Players who are interested in being evaluated for playing up an age group should follow this process:

  • Register online for correct age group/birth year tryouts.
  • Email  and provide the  following information: Player name, date of birth, current team, requested age group. The technical staff will then determine if the player will be approved to tryout with an older age group.
  • Players should NOT attend a tryout for an older age group without prior approval and the appropriate registration completed as it will further delay the process, and the technical staff will not have your information on their evaluation lists.

What to Bring and Wear to Tryouts

  • Players should arrive 20 minutes prior to each session to check-in and get their tryout number. 
  • If you are not able to register within 24 hours of the first scheduled tryout, you should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the first session to register on site.
  • Players will be given a number to attach to their shorts with safety pins (also provided). This number needs to be kept and used by the players at each tryout they attend.
  • Please bring a ball, water, shin guards and cleats to all tryouts.
  • The staff requests that players not wear uniform jerseys, from MYS or any other club, to tryouts.

Player Notification Process

  • Player offers will be done on a rolling basis during the tryout process.
  • Players will be emailed a specific offer and link to accept their offer by registering directly to the team. Players have 48 hours to accept the offer and submit the required deposit fee to secure a roster spot on the team. Not adhering to this policy may result in the withdrawal of the offer.
  • Note: A player is not officially rostered to a team until they are registered and have paid their deposit.
  • In some cases, a coach may extend a verbal or email offer after the first tryout. Should a tryout participant receive an offer before the end of a tryout for an age group or team, we ask that it be kept confidential throughout both the tryout and notification process.
  • Additionally, players can be extended an offer after the initial player selection process - due to offers declined or open roster spots still remaining after tryouts.
  • If a player does not receive notification within 5 days after the final tryout for their age group, they should contact the appropriate Age Group Manager listed at that top of this page.

Inclement Weather Information

When the forecast calls for a chance of thunderstorms or inclement weather, please review the information below. We recommend that if possible you stay in the area in case of a cancellation during the tryout so you can get your player in a timely manner. If we know ahead of time that a field has been closed or a tryout is being cancelled, an email will be sent to all registered participants and information will be updated on the Tryout Schedule and posted on the home page under the Field Status section. Every reasonable effort will be made to hold each tryout session. For the full MYS Weather Policy click here.

Player Evaluation - Feedback

MYS understands that the tryout process is very stressful for players and families, and sometimes the outcome is not what a young player may have hoped for. The MYS Technical Leadership shares this informational document with insight into why a player may not be offered a roster spot on a team.

If you have any further questions about McLean Youth Soccer Travel Team Tryouts, please reach out to the appropriate contact listed at the top of this page.