U9-U12 McLean Development Program

NEW Program Overview

MYS is excited to announce a NEW program for the 2024-2025 seasonal year - the McLean Development Program (MDP). This new program is a level of player development bridging our Recreation and Travel programs. The program sessions will be led by our MYS Professional Coaching Staff once a week during the fall and spring seasons and is geared towards focused, engaged players who love to play soccer and want to develop on the field. This is a year long program that offers 8 sessions in the fall and in the spring season. We encourage Recreation players to participate in this program in addition to their MYS Recreation league. Players will be introduced to a deliberate training environment, which focuses on player autonomy and creativity while playing intrasquad games. The professional coaches will focus on nurturing a genuine enjoyment of the game and pose the game of soccer as a game of decision-making and problem-solving.

Monday Spring 2025 Dates: 

  • March 10, 17, 24, 31
  • April 7
  • May 5, 12, 19

Monday Fall 2024 Dates: 

  • September 9, 16, 23, 30
  • October 7, 21, 28
  • November 4

Age Groups and Times: 

  • U9-U10 Boys & Girls - 5:00-6:15 pm
  • U11-U12 Boys & Girls - 6:30-7:45 pm

Location: Police Field

Fee: $650 **This fee is for the fall and spring sessions and includes a program training jersey.